Congratulations on the new job!

Oh, SH*T! Now what?

Executive Coaching and Leadership Development in Los Angeles and Online

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This promotion is exactly why you’ve been working so hard.

You’re finally here. You’ve arrived. All those years of long hours, hard work, and sleepless nights have paid off.

Now what?

You want to enjoy it, but already the doubt is creeping in.

As you lie in bed at night, your mind spins off in a thousand different directions of all ways you might mess this up.

When will they find out I’m a fraud?

How long until people figure out that you’re in over your head?

You start to wonder if you were cut out for this. Suppose you can’t handle the pressure.

As you walk into work with your head held high, you meet the eyes of the high-performing team you’re supposed to lead.

These are sharp people. They don’t miss much. Even as you smile your warmest smile, you feel a little quivery in your stomach.

There’s no one you can turn to for advice. Everything is riding on your shoulders now, and you’ve got to make that load appear light.

You got to this position for a reason.

You’re no stranger to challenges or hard work. When things get tough, you happily roll up your sleeves.

As you have grown throughout your career, so have the expectations.

The habits and discipline you have cultivated over your life have brought you to this point. (In fact, they’ve even got you to this page).

You understand that with massive growth comes adaptation and new strategies.

That’s where I come in.

You’ve got what it takes. But you need some support.

This level is about leadership. Your leadership is about you and how you show up in the world.

I specialize in helping leaders refine the necessary tools of communication, relationships, and decision-making.

The model you provide for your team will influence the success of your company.

So, you need every advantage you can get to show up as your best – every day.

You’ve come with me this far. You understand the importance of cultivating these tools because you know you were hired to lead.

I coach the person. And that makes all the difference.

I offer a practical and safe space where we’ll focus on you.

I’ll give you my very best, so you can go out and lead your team with the most effective leadership skills and strategies available.

Your future is already here. It’s up to you to make the most of it.

Call (323) 638-4014 now to schedule your free discovery session.

It’s time to make moves.